Sergio Esteban
Project Manager at Probisearch SLU
Sergio Esteban obtained his Ph.D in Molecular Bioscience from the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (UAM) in 2018. He has a strong scientific investigation background working with different Researching Groups in the fields of cardiovascular, immune and oncology diseases. Most recently, he has joined to the pharmaceutical industry working as Project Manager at Probisearch. Probisearch is a company born to develop new probiotics for animal and human Health.

Title: Fertibiome, a probiotic for couples with infertility problems.
- Unknown or idiopathic infertility has been associated to urogenital tract dysbiosis, reducing pregnancy and delivery ratios during assisted reproductive treatments. Probiotics are able to improve the urogenital microbiome, increasing pregnancy and delivery success.
- The Ligilactobacillus salivarius PS11610 strain has showed extraordinary antimicrobial activity in vitro against urogenital pathogens as well as other probiotic characteristics. Therefore, an intervention study was carried out with the main objective of assessing the effect of the L. salivarius PS11610 strain on the microbial composition of urogenital tract in infertile couples with bacterial dysbiosis.
- Oral probiotic supplementation with L. salivarius PS11610 improved the male and female urogenital tract microbiome, modulating the immune system and increasing pregnancy success in couples undergoing assisted reproduction treatment.