Jean-Pol Warzée
President at European Scientific League for Probiotics – ESLP
With more than 20 years experience in the microbiota and microbiotics area,
Jean-Pol G. Warzée, Medical Doctor has participated to many research and development projects in human health ( by elderly people, cystic fibrosis, …) and also in animal health in collaboration with Research Centers and Universities. Jean-pol has collaborated to the development of new microbiotics solutions and is author, co-author of many publications.
Co-Founder in 2010 and nominated President of the European Scientific League for Probiotics for 2012, Jean-Pol is also member of several international scientific associations: member of the International Society for Viruses and Microorganisms, lecturer at the European Center for Research and Development in Nutritherapy- CERDEN and has been vice-presidentPharmabiotics Research Institute vice-president of the Pharmabiotics Research Institute from 2015 – 2017.
Jean-Pol participates regularly to international congresses as speaker related to “Probitics Quality Control” and also “Microbiotics in human health”

Quality control of probiotics and internationalisation of the ESLP initiative
- Created by the non-profit association “European Scientific League for Probiotics” founded in 2011, the “ESLP label” is a “Quality Label” exclusively granted to specialities sold through the pharmacy channel
- The European Scientific League for Probiotics -ESLP quality label is assigned at spontaneous application by the manufacturer and is dedicated to documented strains and associations
- The ESLP quality label is granted after qualitative and quantitative microbiological analysis have been carried out by an independent laboratory and this based on the specifications defined by the European Scientific League for Probiotics - ESLP Scientific Committee consisting of key opinion leaders in Microbiology
- The purpose is to verify if probiotic bacteria announced by the business operators are present in sufficient quantities in the products sold to consumers