Calin Lungu
Dr. Calin Lungu is the CEO of DDCS, a pharmacovigilance quality assurance consulting firm located in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg.
He has worked for 15 years in drug development, clinical research, pharmacovigilance and quality assurance.
Dr. Lungu has conducted a large number of pharmacovigilance audits for various pharmaceutical companies,(transfer of safety databases and MedDRA recoding, PSUR processes, CCSI processes, signal detection).
Dr. Lungu has been a Eudraviglance Trainer since 2004 and has trained more than 250 Eudravigilance and XEVMPD courses He has also organised and presented 4 pharmacovigilance workshops in Romania and one in Croatia and has participated in various pharmacovigilance conferences in the EU.
Dr. Lungu has been a professional trainer in the use of the EudraVigilance Data Analysis System for European National Competent Authorities and the European Medicines Agency between 2008 and 2012, is currently training the use of EVDAS for MAHs and is performing EVDAS analysis for several MAHs.
He graduated from the Free University of Brussels, Belgium and became MD in 1992, the same year he joined the pharmaceutical industry.