Christian Werno
Research group leader at Fraunhofer Institute
Dr. rer. med. Christian Werno is research group leader “Preclinical Therapy Models”, Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine ITEM, Division of Personalized Tumor Therapy.
He got his PhD at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, then being a postdoctoral fellow at Fraunhofer ITEM Regensburg Division of Personalized Tumor Therapy.

Title: Clinical integration of liquid biopsy
- CTCs are already used to predict disease progression and survival in metastatic patients, however function- al analysis of ex vivo expanded CTCs remain challenging. We have generated CTC-derived in vivo and in vitro models from metastatic cancer patients. We have molecularly characterized these models and performed drug screens to improve personalized treatment strategies for metastatic patients in future