Shahram Lavasani
Founder and CEO at ImmuneBiotech AB
Dr. Shahram Lavasani is an international keynote speaker and entrepreneur in the field of the microbiome. He received his PhD in Immunology from Lund University/Sweden. With more than two decades of teaching and research expertise on Gut-Brain axis, he has pioneered research in multiple sclerosis by demonstrating gut inflammation and barrier dysfunction and introduced microbiota-based therapies using probiotic bacterial consortia.
He is the founder of ImmuneBiotech developing novel microbiome therapeutics. The company has access to a proprietary lactobacilli library and advanced selection technologies to design nutritional formulations for optimal management of the diseases. ImmuneBiotech´s first product GutMagnific® has been designed to address the underlying causes of IBS and it is currently investigated, in collaboration with Karolinska Institute, for treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) a neuroimmune condition and a possible long-term effect of Covid-19. GutMagnific® has successfully been launched in October 2019.

ImmuneBiotics for management of neurological conditions – new clinical evidence
The presentation will navigate through the translational, clinical, and manufacturing challenges of microbiome-based therapeutics evolving company´s first product GutMagnific® which has successfully been launched in European market in October 2019.
- ImmuneBiotics, a new generation of probiotic products designed to boost the immunotherapy treatments.
- Translational success of GutMagnific® - a multi-targeted therapeutic microbial consortium - from the lab to the clinic and to the commercial market.
- Clinical evaluation of GutMagnific® in patients with post-viral fatigue - a condition considered as a long-term effect of COVID-19