Satya Prakash
Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Artificial Cells and Organs, Physiology, Experimental Medicine and Surgury in the Faculty of Medicine at McGill University
Dr. Satya Prakash is a Full Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Artificial Cells and Organs, Physiology, Experimental Medicine and Surgery in the Faculty of Medicine, at McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Dr. Prakash research team has contributed to the advancement and development of several biomedical technologies. Superficially, his research program is focus on understanding the human microbiome, developing probiotic formulations for use in neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, aging, metabolic syndrome, obesity, cardiovascular diseases and in developing formulations for targeted delivery of drugs, live cells, and therapeutic molecules and medical devices such as novel stents.
Dr. Prakash is leading author of more than 350 research papers/abstracts and several book chapters, research and other scholarly articles. His publication list includes 72 approved/pending patents and 3 edited books.
Dr. Prakash is the winner of more than 30 international awards including “Medial for Outstanding Contribution to the Advancement of Science”, Overseas Scholar, Fraser, Monat and McPherson Award, Canadian Institute of Health Research Investigator Award, FRSQ Chercheure‐Boursière and other awards.
Dr. Prakash is co-founder of MangoGen Pharma, Nanora Pharma and Micropharma, and Proviva Pharma and currently serves as President, Director and various other positions.