Dr. Vincent von Walcke-Wulffen
CEO at BioKryo GmbH
Dr. von Walcke-Wulffen, born in 1976 in Düsseldorf, went after school in Brussels and Saarbrücken for one year to the German Navy for his military service. In 1997 he started to study at the University of Hamburg Business Administration with a minor field of study in chemistry and graduated in 2003 with a master theses at a BASF plant by using evolutionary algorithm for productions planning in the chemical industry. From 1999 to 2003 he was supported by a scholarship of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.
In 2004 he became a research assistant and doctoral candidate at the Fraunhofer Institute of biomedical engineering (IBMT) in the working group “Cryobank”, responsible for legal and administrative aspects of the Fraunhofer Biobank “Eurocryo”. Later he become responsible for all technical and transport aspects of the biobank.
He represented Fraunhofer-Society at the European infrastructure project for Biobanks BBMRI and completed a study for the economic aspects of implementing biobanks.
In 2010 he reached his PhD with the topic “Controlling in einem Institut der Vertragsforschung”. This Phd-Work was also supported by another Scholarship of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation.
Since 2010 he is founder and managing director of BioKryo GmbH. BioKryo is a commercial GMP-biobank for the storage for cryopreserved samples for later diagnostic and therapeutic use.
Since 2005, Vincent von Walcke-Wulffen is the director of the alliance of German Cryobanks e.V., an academic group of cryobanks and since 2013 member of the German ISO-Committee for Biobanking.

Title: GMP Biobanking in 2020
- Digitalization
- Standards
- Regulatory aspects
- Data protection